Monday, August 19, 2019

Uh...yeah...this is complete BULLSHIT

Hey, guess what, at a big business round table, executives from 200 corporations just decided that the purpose of a corporation is not to maximize value for the people who own their stocks.  Yeah, here's the article, they just said it's all about making sure you, as a worker, make good money and have a great community to live in.  You know, that's why your wages have been stagnant for 40 years, and executive income has risen about 1,000%.

You can read the official statement in the article.  Sorry douchebags, I'm not buying it, and neither is most of America.  You can fool the Trump voters, obviously, but not the intelligent 75% of the country.  You guys are just trying to ward off the pitchforks of the 99% of the U.S. you've financially raped and pillaged the last 40 years or so.  Here's the article from CNBC:

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